Storytelling is a skill that can be learned and I can teach you and your teams how.
Presentation Prep
Ensure that you (or your team) communicate goals, expectations, culture, and authenticity and humanity at your town hall, national sales meeting, or other large event. I work collaboratively with cross-functional stakeholders and presenters individually.
1:1 Coaching
The foundation of getting your story from good to great is 1:1 coaching where I help you identify a story based on your goals, sculpt and shape it, and then rehearse so it lands exactly how you want.
Lunch & Learns
Looking for professional development for a larger group? Storytelling can be customized for a variety of audiences, time length, and interactivity.
Leadership Development Programs
Practice makes perfect! Integrating storytelling into your leadership development programs is one of the best ways to instill this skill in your people proactively.
Media Training
Planned or unexpected, showing up how you want and hitting your message with the media is critical.
Small Group Training
Professional development for a team. Covers storytelling basics, structure, and beyond! Can be customized and in-person or virtual.